Return of the Picnic Pilgrim by David Rogers




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A historical fiction-nonfiction account of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans as U.S . Army Soldiers in World War II.

The year is 1944. The United States is an allied country involved in a world war. After three years, the U.S. Marine Corps has engaged in countless battles against the mighty Imperial Japanese Axis forces in the Pacific region. The U. S. Marines have endured a tremendous loss in casualties and they fear that they will lose in the struggle to defeat Japan. Knowing this, the U. S. WAR Dept. deploys minority battalions to help out in the Pacific Campaign.

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941 Japan declared war on the United States and Great Britain. The next day following December 8,1941 our 32nd President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed a document declaring war on Japan and Germany. During that time many American minority men and women enlisted in the U.S. Armed forces hoping that they would get a chance to fight for the freedom of the United States.Many minority battalions were formed (infantrymen, tank battalions, artillery battalions) However, They would not be shipped overseas. The U.S. WAR Dept felt that the minority battalions were not disciplined enough to carry out their specific duties overseas. One day the First Lady Anna Eleanor Roosevelt visited the Tuskeegee Airbase, she requested to take a test flight with one of the African American fighter pilots from the Tuskeegee Fighting 99th. When the flight was over the First Lady was highly impressed with the way the pilot handled the aircraft. She told her husband that minority battalions have what it takes to aid in the war campaign and to give the U.S. WAR Dept authority to deploy minority battalions overseas.
